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+91-0161-245 8060
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The biopsy is done by using an ultrasound to find the lesion or mass. This is one type of “image-guided” biopsy, which combines the use of ultrasound with either a Fine Needle Aspiration or Core Needle Biopsy. In this, a small tissue through a needle is taken from your organ as a sample for testing. This helps to give a proper diagnosis of the disease and evaluate the treatment.
If imaging studies cannot properly define the abnormality, a biopsy becomes mandatory at this stage. Mostly, a biopsy is performed to examine tissue for disease. Biopsies are commonly used to diagnose cancer, but they can help identify other conditions such as infections and inflammatory and autoimmune disorders too.
Before the biopsy, a particular, warm gel is applied on your body part which is to be examined. Then, a transducer is placed on your body part and slowly moved back and forth to locate the area to be biopsied.
Once the area is identified, the radiologist will cleanse the gel and inject a local anesthetic. When the area is completely numb, a small incision will be made. To ensure an adequate sample is obtained, several cores of tissue will be taken and sent to the laboratory for review by a pathologist. A tissue marker will then be placed. During the procedure, you will be told what is occurring and cared for by a nurse whose goal is to make you as comfortable as possible.
It clearly depends on the part of the body being biopsied. We will provide you with specific instructions for post biopsy care.
If you have any infection, a biopsy may put you at higher risk for spreading the infection. Make sure to tell your doctor if you have any infection anywhere on your body.
You can easily go back to your normal activities immediately after the procedure. More invasive procedures may require a longer recovery time. If you receive sedation as part of the anesthesia, you will usually need someone to drive you home after the procedure.
Please feel free to contact our friendly reception staff with any enquiry, or call +91-0161-2458060
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